Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Attorney

Did you or someone you love work or live at the U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina unknowingly drank and bathed in toxic contaminated water? You may be entitled compensation. 

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Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Attorney

For decades, those working and living at the U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina unknowingly drank and bathed in toxic contaminated water. The poisoned water has been linked to deaths, serious illnesses, and long-standing health complications among the residents of Camp Lejeune, while senior military leaders are alleged to have known about the problems with the water.

Those who have been affected can now seek justice and financial compensation for their losses caused by the concealment of this vital information regarding the status of the water. The attorney at Hodge Law Firm are ready to assist with your case.

Our experienced personal injury professionals will help you to seek the compensation that you and your family deserve. Call (864) 585-3873 for a free consultation.

Wrongful death, loss, and illness among veterans, their families, and civilian employees who resided at Camp Lejeune

It has been discovered that toxic chemicals were leaked into the water supply at Camp Lejeune from 1953 to 1987. These poisonous toxins included dry-cleaning chemicals, benzene, and other dangerous solvents linked to various cancers as well as serious chronic conditions such as spina bifida in unborn babies, Parkinson’s disease, renal toxicity, and aplastic anemia.

The contamination extended to three separate on-base groundwater systems including Holcomb Boulevard, Hadnot Point, and Tarawa Terrace. Exposure to the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune by means of bathing, drinking, or cooking has resulted in detrimental health effects. Hundreds of thousands of military personnel, their families, and civilian employees stationed at Camp Lejeune during the years of contamination may have been exposed to life-threatening illnesses.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 provides a two-year window for those who were exposed to the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune before December 31, 1987 to file claims for compensation. This Act also makes provision for the families of those who died from the poisoned water to file wrongful death lawsuits for compensation.

Contact Hodge Law Firm for a Free Consultation

At Hodge Law Firm, we are dedicated to helping veterans and their families fight for their rights. We understand that this may be one of the most difficult times in your life, and our goal is to handle your case with the utmost care, responsibility, and attention to detail. You will get to know your attorney, who will engage personally with you throughout every stage of the case.

If you are seeking an attorney to represent you in your contaminated water injury case or your wrongful death lawsuit relating to the Camp Lejeune water contamination, contact us at (864) 585-3873 for a free initial consultation. Alternatively, you can fill in our contact form and someone from our offices will be in touch with you promptly.

To help our attorney thoroughly evaluate your case during your initial consultation, it is always useful to bring with you any medical records, proof of lost income, and any other documentation relating to your claim that could be used as evidence of damages suffered. Our attorney can review the facts of your case, explain your rights, and help you plot the way forward.

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