The holiday season is a time for joy and family gatherings, but it also brings increased risks on the road.  With more
vehicles, adverse weather, and holiday stress, car accidents are more likely.  Everyone at the Hodge Law Firm wants
you have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.  Here are a few essential tips to help you stay safe during this busy
travel period.

Plan Ahead
Map Your Route:  Use navigation apps to check for traffic or construction delays and plan alternative routes if
necessary.  Most all apps now incorporate alerts to let you know of pending trouble down the road.  If you use crowd-sourcing apps like Waze, make sure a passenger in the car adds any accidents or incidents on the roads.
Plan Frequent Stops:  It’s always a good idea to get gas at regular intervals.  Don’t wait until you’re almost empty
before you start looking for a gas station.  These pit stops also give you a chance to stretch your legs and refocus
before you get behind the wheel again.
Vehicle Maintenance:  Ensure your car is in top condition by checking tire pressure, brakes, fluid levels, and
windshield wipers.  Winterize your vehicle with snow tires and emergency supplies if needed.
Pack an Emergency Kit:  Include blankets, water, snacks, a flashlight, jumper cables, and a first-aid kit to prepare for unexpected delays.

Practice Safe Driving Habits
Stay Alert:  Avoid driving while fatigued by taking regular breaks and sharing driving responsibilities during long trips.  This is where those gas breaks come into play during the trip.
Drive Defensively:  Maintain a safe following distance and be prepared for sudden stops or aggressive drivers.
Avoid Distractions:  Keep your focus on the road by putting away your phone and minimizing in-car distractions like loud music or heated conversations.

Adjust for Holiday Risks
Weather Conditions:  Slow down on icy or wet roads and increase your following distance to account for reduced
Peak Travel Times:  Leave early to avoid traffic congestion during peak hours and reduce the stress of rushing.
Nighttime Driving:  Be extra cautious as shorter days mean more nighttime travel, which can increase accident risks.

Avoid Impaired Driving
No Alcohol Behind the Wheel:  If you plan to drink at holiday events, designate a sober driver or use ride-share
Stay Rested: Fatigue can impair your reaction times just as much as alcohol. Get adequate sleep before starting
your journey.

Holiday travel can be stressful, but with careful planning and safe driving practices, you can reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a joyful holiday season.  By staying alert, preparing your vehicle, and adjusting for weather and traffic conditions, you’ll protect not only yourself but also others on the road.  If you are hurt in an accident during the holiday season, the Hodge Law Firm can help.

Our experienced team of attorneys and paralegals will evaluate your case at no cost.

Safe travels!